Welcome to part 3 of my easy Beginner Guitar Bootcamp Series. Join me as I take you even further with your third beginner guitar lesson and teach you everything you need to know. Congratulations for taking these first steps in an amazing journey and thank you for trusting me as your teacher. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out lesson 1 here! In this lesson we will look at four more very important beginner guitar concepts:
Beginner Guitar Bootcamp Video Concepts
1. You will learn your second rock riff.
2. You will learn how to properly pick notes on single strings.
3. You will learn your third guitar chord.
4. You will learn how to change chords using the guide finger.
5. Bonus Tip** You will learn another great secret to changing chords.
Beginner Guitar Bootcamp Chapters
0:57 Second Rock Riff
2:46 Picking Single Notes
3:46 The “E” Major Chord
4:22 Changing Chords With Guide Finger
6:32 Bonus Tip
Watch the video again to make sure everything I talk about sinks in.
Step 1. Try your second rock riff! Start with just picking down first and in the first position. Once you feel comfortable more it up one fret then try picking up and down.
Step 2. Start working on the “E” chord. Remember as I was saying in the previous videos to put your first finger down first, second finger down second, and your third finger down third. This gives you a method and consistent movement every time. Eventually you will just drop all fingers down at one time.
Step 3. The guide finger is such a great tool to help you change chords quickly and easily. It serves to anchor your fingers so you don’t loose your place on the neck. Practice changing between “A”, “D”, and “E” using your guide finger! Just play through those three chords over and over until you can do if freely and fluently.
Step 4. Practice getting to your chords by placing your first finger down first, your second finger down second, and your third finger down third.
TWENTY MINUTES of practice everyday will drastically improve your progress!
Happy Playing!